Resolution of the Eastern Africa Regional Caucus of the Pan-African Parliament


WHEREAS the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), as an essential organ of the African Union (AU), is vested with the responsibility to represent the peoples of Africa and to ensure their participation in the processes of democratic governance and integration;

RECOGNIZING the critical role of the PAP in the legislative framework of the African Union and its contribution to the promotion of democracy, good governance, and human rights across the continent;

ACKNOWLEDGING the challenges encountered due to amendment of rules of procedure which was not in compliance with the Protocol to Treaty Establishing African Economic Community relating to Pan-African Parliament.

AFFIRMING the necessity for the PAP's governance to be strictly guided by its Rules of Procedure adopted in 2011, the PAP Protocol, and existing practices, without deviation or external influence;

The Members of the Eastern Caucus, meeting on the sidelines of the Executive Council 44th meeting in Addis Ababa on this 14th day of February 2024, hereby:

DECIDES to call upon the Executive Council to allow PAP to make presentation and be heard by member countries. As usual the Executive council make ruling to be abided and guided by the PAP Rules of Procedure adopted in 2011, the PAP Protocol, and the longstanding practices of the PAP, ensuring that the governance and operations of the PAP are conducted within these established frameworks.

URGES the prevention of any external interference in the affairs of the PAP, to maintain its independence and to safeguard the integrity of its decision-making processes.

CONCERNED about the PRC for its denial of the PAP's right to participate in its deliberations, preventing the PAP from explaining and defending itself against unfounded accusations made by the Task Force.This denial of freedom of expression shows unhealthy relations between PAP and PRC;

CONCERNED about the PRC recommendation on the rotation of Vice Presidents, as per Rule 19 of PAP’s Rules of Procedure which states that the Vice Presidents shall act by their ranking and rotation in Absence (not vacation) of the President. It was recalled that Northern and Southern regions were given this opportunity to act as Presidents from 2019 to 2021 respectively, however Eastern Caucus was denied this right. Yet during the 2022 elections the Eastern Caucus obtained the highest votes and would have been the First Vice President but were told to be the Second Vice President. In the spirit of solidarity, the Eastern Caucus accepted.

COCNERNED that PRC ignored rule 8.8 of PAP’s Rules of Procedure which states that in case of VACATION of seat the Vice Presidents shall act as President according to order of their ranking which is the case now. The Vice Presidents do not rotate in the case of vacation of seat.

CALLS UPON the Executive Council to uphold the right of Eastern African Caucus to act as per Rules of Procedure 2011, and per existing practice of the PAP.

APPEALSto the Executive Council to take immediate and effective measures to resolve the ongoing disputes between the PRC and the PAP, to eliminate misunderstandings, ensure complementary, and foster synergy in serving the African people.

REQUESTS the Executive Council to afford the PAP the opportunity to be heard and to accord it the respect it deserves as the representative body of 1.4 billion Africans, recognizing its pivotal role in the AU's governance ecosystem.

PROPOSES the establishment of an independent, neutral mission to the PAP by the Executive Council, comprising members who are senior, unbiased, and unconflicted, differing markedly from the current composition of the Task Force.

ADVOCATES for the Executive Council to delineate clearly the responsibilities and functions between the PAP and the PRC, ensuring that each organ's roles are well-defined and conducive to the effective fulfillment of their respective mandates.

RECOMMENDS the organization of a retreat between the PAP and the PRC as a mechanism for resolving existing tensions and for establishing a foundation for healthy, collaborative relations going forward.

Adopted in Addis Ababa, on this 14th day of February 2024, by the Members of the Eastern Africa Regional Caucus of the Pan-African Parliament.