AUDA- NEPAD cooperation with PAP key to economic development


AUDA-NEPAD has committed itself to work with the Pan-African Parliament to ensure the full participation of all Africans in the economic development and integration of the continent.

The Chief Executive Officer of AUDA-NEPAD Dr Nardos Bekele-Thomas said it was key for Africa to promote continental integration, socio-economic growth and development, through trade and the pursuit of a common recovery strategy. Speaking at the Strategic Reorientation workshop for Members of Parliament as the PAP holds its August Committee Sittings, Dr Bekele-Thomas said.

"PAP carries the voices of the people of Africa and represents all Africans hence the need to scale up our efforts so we meet the needs of our people. We need to come together and combine our efforts as we identify synergies and each one of us knows where their roles lie. Coordination is of critical importance and making sure we are impactful and responsive to the needs of Africa."

There was also general consensus during the meeting that since industrialization is one of the drivers of economic development there is a need to involve the youth and harness the creative mind of the younger generation.

"In implementing the priority areas, we need to make sure we have industrialized and involve the youth. This is the future generation, and we need to promote and harness their potential. Let us work with speed to train and skill our children so they have the capacity to be absorbed by our public sector," said Dr Bekele-Thomas.

In achieving these key outputs, national Parliaments must ensure that continental frameworks are mainstreamed into national plans and budgeted for. This would also entail empowering African research institutions to come up with narratives by African people for the Africans. Strengthened and capacitated research and learning institutions assist in forecasts and scenario building that will help the continent move forward.
