Pan-African Parliament’s performance report unanimously adopted: Progress, challenges and roadmap highlighted


The Pan-African Parliament’s Performance Report - March to June 2024, presented by President H.E Hon Chief Fortune Charumbira on 3 July 2024, provided a comprehensive overview of the institution’s activities and progress over the past several months. The report, which was unanimously adopted by the members of the continental Parliament, provides insight into the successes and challenges faced by the organisation since its previous full session in May 2023.

Structured around the four strategic objectives outlined in the Pan-African Parliament's Strategic Plan, it also outlines the activities undertaken by the Pan-African Parliament since the 37th African Union (AU) Summit in February 2024, in furtherance of the Executive Council decisions which facilitated the Pan-African Parliament’s return to full operational functionality as well as the Strategic Objectives of the institution. The report also encompasses various aspects of the Parliament's operations, including Bureau missions, administrative and staff matters, and emerging issues related to the Parliament’s statutory responsibilities, in line with the Pan-African Parliament’s mandate of, “ensuring the full participation of African peoples in the economic development and integration of the continent.”

At its inception, the Pan-African Parliament was charged with the task of facilitating the effective implementation of the policies and objectives of the African Union. In addition to promoting the accepted principles of good governance, human rights, solidarity, peace and development in Africa, it is also mandated to familiarize the Peoples of Africa with the policies and objectives aimed at integrating the African continent within the framework of the African Union.

"We remain committed to democracy, transparency and accountability," charged H.E Charumbira while presenting the Performance Report at Plenary during the ongoing 3rd Ordinary Session of the Sixth Parliament of the Pan-African Parliament.

“It should be noted that all we do shapes the Pan-African Parliament; we are seeking to strengthen parliamentary functions of the Pan-African Parliament; strengthen partnership, coordination, outreach, and institutional capacity of the Pan-African Parliament; promote Human Rights and shared Values of the AU; and strengthen Research, Learning and Sharing, Knowledge Management, Communication, and Advocacy of the Pan-African Parliament.”

While noting some of the achievements of the Parliament, H.E Charumbira highlighted that they are ensuring the implementation of AU’s Executive Council Decisions relating to the Pan-African Parliament.

“We managed to successfully convene at Pan-African Parliament headquarters before the end of March 2024 to fill the vacancies in the Pan-African Parliament Bureau; the Clerk of the Secretariat of the Pan-African Parliament has been reinstated; we have met the Legal Counsel of the AUC and awaiting their Draft document relating to the matter of suspended Rules of Procedure of the Pan-African Parliament,” he said, highlighting that the results of the work of the Pan-African Parliament will win the support of the African citizenry.

The President credited stakeholders, including AU organs, civil society organizations, parliamentarians, and the Secretariat, for their collective contributions and support. "A lot of strides have been made in furtherance of the strategic objectives of the institution, through a wide range of activities, both statutory and non-statutory," he acknowledged.

On financial matters, H.E Hon. Charumbira assured stakeholders of the Pan-African Parliament's commitment to fiscal responsibility amidst budgetary constraints. He detailed efforts to secure additional funding for essential parliamentary functions and operational improvements. Looking ahead, he outlined plans for the implementation of the African Governance Architecture project, funded by the European Union, aimed at enhancing parliamentary effectiveness and fostering closer collaboration among member states.

The President emphasized the Pan-African Parliament’s crucial advisory role in promoting peace and security across Africa, stressing oversight functions that enhance governance and accountability. "Why should we talk about peace and security when we're not mandated to act upon it?" he queried, recalling the parliament's advisory function as outlined in the Rules of Procedure.

Acknowledging operational challenges, The President called for enhanced parliamentary support and infrastructure to bolster efficiency and institutional credibility. "As parliamentarians, we face significant challenges, including vacancies and bureaucratic delays," he noted. "Addressing these issues is crucial for enhancing our effectiveness and maintaining public trust.

The adoption of the Performance Review Report marks a step forward for the Pan-African Parliament in fulfilling its mandate and restoring its credibility on the continental stage. President Charumbira's words echoed the renewed commitment of the Bureau to operational excellence and effective governance. "The Bureau is back, fully operational, fully focused and ready to work with all of you in repairing the image of Pan-African Parliament and advocating for a budget that enables Committees, Members, the Bureau and all the structures of Parliament to effectively contribute to the attainment of our mandate. Together we can restore the Pan-African Parliament’s pride of place in the continental governance agenda."