AUC calls on the Pan-African Parliament’s active role in the implementation of Agenda 2063


The Director for Strategic Planning and Development of the African Union Commission, Ms. Botho Kebabonye Bayendi, has made an urgent appeal to the Pan-African Parliament to play an active role in the implementation of Agenda 2063.

Agenda 2063 is a strategic framework for the socio-economic development and transformation of the continent within a period of 50 years. It is a continuation of the Pan-African drive over centuries for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance. It was adopted during the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the OAU/AU in May 2013 intended to be achieved by the commemoration of the Centenary of OAU/AU in 2063.

Making a presentation on the African Union Agenda 2063 to members of the Pan-African Parliament during the opening ceremony of the Sitting of the Permanent Committees and Other Organs of the Pan-African Parliament, Ms. Kebabonye Bayendi, emphasized that the role of Pan-African Parliament in the implementation of Agenda 2063 is key as indicated in the Agenda 2063 Framework Document.

According to her, the Pan-African Parliament is expected to advocate for the adoption of the Agenda 2063 Framework as the blue-print for Africa’s development by all Parliaments /Legislatures on the Continent; Lead the crusade for citizenry education of their roles and obligations under Agenda 2063 by African Parliaments /Legislatures; Ensure that all members of regional parliaments and political parties in national legislatures use Agenda 2063 as a basis for developing their programmes and party manifestos; and Advocate for the domestication of the Agenda into Regional, National and Local Development Plans.

This position by the AUC Director for Strategic Planning and Development is consistent with previous calls by the leadership and members of the Pan-African Parliament to be given the necessary resources in order to play an active role in the implementation of Agenda 2063.

Ms. Kebabonye Bayendi entreated the Pan-African Parliament to domesticate the Agenda 2063 STYIP in the Pan African Parliament 5-Year Strategic Plan, and anchor the domestication efforts in national parliaments across the Union of Africa, noting that, "Our aim is not merely for individual nations to excel in isolation, but for the continent as a whole to advance together”.

STYIP Domestication refers to the process in which AU institutions, RECs, Member States, Citizens, Businesses, and Partners adapt and integrate the STYIP into their plans, policies, and frameworks at continental, regional, national, and local levels to collectively achieve the seven Moonshots of the AU.

The targets of the seven Moonshots although are largely set at continental level, their achievement will depend on structured processes and mechanisms to make them a reality at sub-national, national and regional levels – and by all players in the development landscape.

Alignment of PAP Committees to Moonshots

Committee on Rural Economy, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Environment: Moonshot 1: Every AU Member State attains at least Middle-Income Status, and Moonshot 6: African Citizens are More Empowered and Productive

Committee on Monetary and Financial Affairs: Moonshot 1: Every AU Member State attains at least Middle-Income Status, and Moonshot 3: Public Institutions are More Responsive.

Committee on Trade, Customs, and Immigration Matters: Moonshot 2: Africa is more Integrated and connected

Committee on Cooperation, International Relations, and Conflict Resolution: Moonshot 4: Africa resolves conflicts peacefully, and Moonshot 7: Africa is a strong and influential global player

Committee on Transport, Industry, Communications, Energy, Science, and Technology: Moonshot 2: Africa is more integrated and connected, and Moonshot 3: Public institutions are more responsive.

Committee on Health, Labour, and Social Affairs: Moonshot 6: African citizens are more empowered and productive.

Committee on Education, Culture, Tourism, and Human Resources: Moonshot 5: African culture and values are explicit and promoted and, Moonshot 6: African citizens are more empowered and productive.

Committee on Gender, Family, Youth, and People with Disability: Moonshot 6: African citizens are more empowered and productive

Committee on Justice and Human Rights: Moonshot 4: Africa resolves conflicts peacefully

Committee on Rules, Privileges, and Discipline: Moonshot 3: Public institutions are more responsive

Committee on Audit and Public Accounts: Moonshot 3: Public institutions are more responsive