The Pan-African Parliament takes part in deliberations on continental integration as the Executive Council backs its calls for more resources


The President of the Pan-African Parliament is leading a high-level delegation of the Bureau and Secretariat to the Sixth Mid-Year Coordination Meeting (6th MYCM) of the African Union, Regional Economic Communities, and Regional Mechanisms in Accra, Ghana from the 18th-21st July 2024. The Meeting is being held under the theme of the year for 2024: The Year of Education: “Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century”.

Among other items on the agenda of this mid-year encounter, Africa’s Premier Parliamentary Platform is taking part in the deliberations pertaining to the acceleration of the Continental integration process. The meeting was preceded by the 45th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council, which took place from the 18th – 19th of July 2024. In line with the spirit of the MYCM to focus on priority programs, resources needed for the implementation of these programs, and the impact of such programs in improving the lives of the African people, and following submissions by the Pan-African Parliament leadership, the Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC) was instructed by the Council to hold an emergency meeting to address the lack of funding issues of the Pan-African Parliament. This is to enable the institution to hold its statutory meetings. The Pan-African Parliament arrived in Accra on the back of a successful 3rd Ordinary Session of its Sixth Parliament with key resolutions and recommendations on the AU theme for 2024 and other issues of interest to the African citizenry despite limited financial resources.

The two-day ministerial meeting further considered budget matters and adopted the African Union Budget for the year 2025; discussed the security status on the continent and peace financing mechanisms, progress on the implementation of the African Union theme of the year 2024 on Education, report on African candidatures within the international system; the participation of the African Union in the G20; the hosting the African Humanitarian Agency (AFHA), reports on various thematic committees, election and appointment of officials for the various AU Organs and institutions, among other key issues aimed at advancing the political and socio-economic development for improved welfare and wellbeing of the African citizens.

The meeting of the bureau of the AU Assembly and RECs with the participation of the Chairpersons of RECs, the AU Commission and Regional Mechanisms (RMs) will take place on 21 July 2024.