The 5th Annual Meeting of the Association of Clerks and Secretaries-General of African Parliaments (ASGAP)


The 5th Annual Meeting of the Association of Clerks and Secretaries-General of African Parliaments (ASGAP) was held on September 17, 2024. Read the complete final communiqué of this important gathering:


Recognizing the crucial role of National and Regional Parliaments and the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) in advancing the objectives of the African Union (AU) and its Agenda 2063, and the need for deeper collaboration to ensure the effective implementation of continental goals;

Aware of the commitments enshrined in the Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to the Pan-African Parliament, which emphasizes the importance of harmonization and cooperation between the PAP and National Parliaments;

Reaffirming the commitment of National and Regional Parliaments, and of the PAP, to strengthening the legislative, oversight, representational, consultative, and advisory functions of National Parliaments and the PAP to promote peace, security, governance, and human rights across the continent;

Cognizant of the facilitative and advisory roles played by Clerks and Secretaries-General within their respective National and Regional Parliaments;

The 5th Annual Meeting of the Association of Secretaries-General of African Parliaments (ASGAP), having deliberated on key issues of mutual concern, hereby submits the following recommendations for consideration by the political leadership of the PAP and National Parliaments.

A. Recommendations for legislative and policy collaboration

1. Ratification and domestication of AU treaties

Clerks and Secretaries-General of National and Regional Parliaments are encouraged to facilitate the acceleration of the ratification and domestication of AU treaties, leveraging legislative powers to expedite the process where necessary.

Clerks and Secretaries-General are also encouraged to advocate for, and facilitate the domestication of, Agenda 2063 within national legislative and programmatic frameworks.

2. Adoption of PAP model laws

Clerks and Secretaries-General of National and Regional Parliaments are encouraged to incorporate PAP Model Laws as guiding frameworks for legislative reform. The Secretariat of PAP is urged to coordinate with Regional Parliaments in the development of Model Laws to avoid duplication and alleviate burdens on national legislative processes.

3. Strengthening early warning mechanisms

Secretariats of National and Regional Parliaments are encouraged to work closely with the Secretariat of PAP to strengthen their roles as early warning mechanisms in identifying emerging issues, governance, human rights, and peace and security challenges.

4. Resource allocation

Clerks and Secretaries-General of National and Regional Parliaments are encouraged to facilitate the provision in their budgets for joint activities with the Secretariat of PAP.

B. Recommendations for information sharing and coordination

Clerks and Secretaries-General of National and Regional Parliaments acknowledge the critical role of effective communication and timely dissemination of information among the PAP Secretariat and the Secretariats of National and Regional Parliaments. In this regard, the following actions are recommended:

1. Communication framework

The PAP Secretariat should develop a comprehensive communication and information-sharing framework with all National and Regional Parliaments to ensure timely and effective coordination of legislative actions.

2. Standardized reporting

The PAP Secretariat should develop a standardized reporting template to ensure consistent transmission of reports and outcomes from PAP's ordinary sessions to the Secretariats of National and Regional Parliaments. National and Regional Parliaments are encouraged to embed rapporteurs within their delegations to PAP to facilitate comprehensive reporting.

3. AU Summit reports

Following AU Summits, the PAP Secretariat should transmit detailed reports outlining decisions and outcomes of the Summits to the Secretariats of National and Regional Parliaments to enable swift legislative action on continental decisions.

PAP Secretariat will also produce annual reports on the Union’s activities and share them with the Secretariats of National and Regional Parliaments.

C. Recommendations for Strengthening Parliamentary Capacity

Recognizing the need to enhance the capacity of Secretariats of National and Regional Parliaments and the PAP Secretariat to discharge their mandates effectively, we recommend:

1. Staff exchange programs

Staff exchange programs between the Secretariats of National and Regional Parliaments and the PAP Secretariat should be established to promote mutual learning and the exchange of best practices.

2. Induction programs

The PAP Secretariat is encouraged to play an active role in the induction and orientation programs for newly elected Members of National and Regional Parliaments, ensuring that they are well-versed in continental legislative priorities.

3. Secondment of staff

Clerks and Secretaries-General of National and Regional Parliaments may consider seconding staff to PAP to enhance inter-parliamentary cooperation and strengthen the capacity of the PAP Secretariat.
The PAP Secretariat will share information on job vacancies with Clerks and Secretaries-General of National and Regional Parliaments.

D. Recommendations for Enhancing Media Communication and Visibility

Clerks and Secretaries-General of National, Regional, and PAP emphasize the importance of promoting the visibility of PAP’s work within national and regional jurisdictions, and recommend the following:

1. Media focal points

Encourage Clerks and Secretaries-General of National and Regional Parliaments to designate media focal point persons to coordinate media outreach efforts with PAP’s communication team.

2. Inclusion of media representatives

Encourage Clerks and Secretaries-General of National and Regional Parliaments to include media representatives in their delegations to PAP's ordinary sessions to increase public awareness of continental parliamentary activities.

3. Promotion of PAP’s digital presence

Encourage Clerks and Secretaries-General of National and Regional Parliaments to provide a dedicated link to PAP’s official website on their digital platforms to foster greater access to continental legislative updates.
The PAP Secretariat should also consider rotating the annual meetings of Clerks and Secretaries-General of National, Regional, and PAP to different member states to enhance visibility and raise awareness of the important roles of National, Regional, and PAP in ensuring the full participation of African peoples in the development and integration of Africa.

E. Commitment to inter-parliamentary solidarity

Clerks and Secretaries-General of National, Regional, and PAP underscore the importance of solidarity between the Secretariat of PAP and National and Regional Parliaments, and recommend the following:

1. Solidarity events and joint statements

Facilitate hosting and participating in solidarity events and issuing joint statements on matters of continental importance, particularly in moments of crisis or celebration.

2. Support for parliamentary independence

Assist joint efforts advocating for the independence and effective functioning of parliaments. Stand in solidarity with each other and with PAP in the course of discharging our respective mandates.

F. Status of ASGAP

Clerks and Secretaries-General of National and Regional Parliaments recommend that the PAP formalizes, within the framework of the AU, the legal existence of the ASGAP. In this regard, we further recommend the following actions to strengthen its institutional capacity:

1. Formal registration

To formalize the status of ASGAP as a formally registered body within the AU framework.

2. Institutionalization of meetings

To institutionalize the annual meetings of ASGAP, ensuring they are held on a regular basis with formal agendas and outcomes.

3. Review of Rules of Procedure

To review and update the rules of procedure of ASGAP, ensuring they align with its evolving mandate and facilitate effective decision-making and coordination.

4. Communication Plan

To develop a comprehensive communication plan for ASGAP to improve outreach, information sharing, and visibility across the continent.

5. Membership Subscription

To explore the possibility of introducing a membership subscription model for ASGAP, which would provide a sustainable financial base for its activities and operations.

Done at Midrand, South Africa, on 17 September 2024.